“Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand.”

-Don Norman

Using Figma to design a website in 30 minutes with Flux Academy

Given the task of transforming pre-existing homepage sections and copy into a complete website, I embraced the challenge to design and build the site within a 30-minute timeframe.

Video display of my 30 minute Flux Academy website design challenge for GlobeTrek

Amazon One Medical Redesign

While exploring the One Medical website, I noticed that the cycling, animated text representing the various medical issues One Medical can address was placed beneath the hero section. This dynamic feature is incredibly eye-catching, and I believe it deserves more prominence on the page.

Amazon One Medical cycling text and redesign looped video

To improve the user experience, I repositioned this animation as the centerpiece of the hero section. This adjustment ensures that users are immediately engaged by the full scope of services One Medical offers.

I added a secondary button, "View Our Services," next to the "Get Started on Amazon" button. This allows users to quickly access detailed information about the services provided by One Medical or immediately begin the sign-up process. By offering both options upfront, the page becomes more intuitive and user-friendly.

Daily UI Calculator Challenge

I took on the challenge of designing a sleek and intuitive mortgage calculator app, focusing on creating a seamless user experience. To enhance engagement, I integrated subtle animations, adding personality and bringing the interface to life without overwhelming the user.

My goal was to balance functionality and visual appeal, ensuring users could easily navigate the tool while enjoying a polished and responsive design.

Cribulator Mortgage Calculator Walkthrough